Knee Popping And Cracking Are The Sounds Of An Orthopaedic Alarm

The knees absolutely take a pounding during athletic performance. Running, jumping, and pivoting all put stress on the knees. Competitive athletes often suffer minor knee injuries and just ignore the pain or discomfort. Since a tendon has not been completely torn, they are able to "gut" through their current knee problems. Hobbyist athletes do the same thing and the long-term risks can be serious. Knee replacement surgery may be unavoidable if a problem is allowed to persist year after year. Ignoring knee problems when they first arise might not be the best thing to do. Instead, taking clear steps to address knee issues at the very early stages could make treatment far less invasive in the future.

The Knee Sounds an Alarm

The knees should not make any noises. Popping and cracking is not normal. The sounds may be "normal" for lifelong athletic people, but popping and cracking sounds do not occur with normal knees that are in great shape. Something serious may be wrong and the knees should be checked out by a doctor. This way, an appropriate approach to addressing knee issues can be made.

Stay on Top of the Knee's Condition

Even though the knee joints are not making any odd sounds, an issue may be present. Athletes who seek chiropractic adjustments are probably going to direct the chiropractor to work on nagging body parts. A visit to the doctor during a basic annual physical is usually a passive endeavor. The patient just goes along with what the doctor does. Be more proactive during these sessions. Ask for the knees to be checked out. A quick spot check of the knee may reveal a minor or major injury. Treatment can then commence.

The Path to Treatment

Fear of invasive treatments is common among those who are suffering from knee problems. Thankfully, there are noninvasive methods of treating knee problems including:

  • Exercise Therapy

Several unique exercises for strengthening the knee could eliminate troubling noises. The exercises should be performed under the guidance of a qualified physical therapist to maximize healing potential. Those without knee issues may wish to research the possibility of integrating the exercises into their normal workout routines as a preventive measure.

  • Scoping the Knee

Not all knee surgeries are highly invasive. A knee scope (knee arthoscopy) is a minimally invasive orthopaedic surgical procedure capable of fixing certain injuries. Minor surgery might make it possible to avoid major surgery through keeping the condition from worsening. Contact an orthopaedic surgeon like Tedder Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Center to get information about available procedures.

Determine the Extent

Only a qualified healthcare professional can determine the extent of a knee injury. Self-diagnosis must be avoided. Also avoidable -- and regrettable -- would be the decision to put off a knee checkup when something clearly is wrong.
