Is It Time To Get Back In Shape?

Now that the holidays are over, is getting in shape one of your goals for 2019? If so, from arranging for group exercise classes to having somebody to account to, here are some ideas that might help.

Group Exercise Classes 

Maybe in 2018 you tried to walk by yourself every day. While that might have worked for a while and while you walked on pretty weather days, it might be that you tired of walking by yourself, particularly in harsh weather. Have you considered joining a group exercise class this year? Having others doing exercises right along with you might turn out to be more enjoyable than walking or exercising by yourself. Also, joining a class that meets inside a building will ensure that you attend your exercise class even on freezing cold or blistering hot days.

What kind of exercise do you want to do? Do you love dancing? If so, consider joining an exercise class that focuses on dancing, maybe a Zumba class or a jazz dance class. If you did tap dancing or ballet as a youngster, it might be fun to return to that type of exercise class. No matter your age, yoga might be the answer to your exercise needs. Any exercise class that is led by an experienced and trained instructor might be what you need to stick to exercising. If your time is limited, consider joining a class that meets for only thirty minutes.

Don't let the fact that you have little children at home stop you from joining an exercise class. Many gyms provide excellent childcare while parents are taking time to get healthier. There might be an extra charge for child care. However, if it helps you to stick to your goal of getting back in shape, don't you think the money will be well spent?

Account To Somebody 

This year, in addition to recording your exercise progress in your journal, consider having somebody that you account to. For example, you could have an exercise buddy. Account to each other how you are doing when you're not in class. Tell that person how you are doing with your goal to eat healthier or to exercise. Perhaps you could share with your spouse or a sibling how much weight you want to lose or gain, and account to that person on a certain day of the week or month how you are progressing. 
